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September 1, 2023

Python Loops Exercises

  • Write a Python program using a for loop to print the numbers from 1 to 5.

                    # Print numbers 1 to 5 using a for loop
    for num in range(1, 6):
  • Complete this for loop .

                    for ''(0, 10):
  • What is the output of this code?

                    for num in range(0, 10):
  • Which numbers will be printed?

                    for num in range(0, 5):
        print(num * 2)
  • print numbers 10 to 20 in seperate lines. (including 20)

                    # Print numbers 10 to 20 using a for loop
    for num in range(''):
    21 10 , 20
  • Print each item of the list in a separate line.

                    # List of items
    items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi']
    # Iterate over the list and print each item
    for '':
  • Complete the code based on the scenario:

    Suppose you are a teacher, and you have a list of student grades for a particular exam. You want to display each student’s grade to provide them with feedback.

                    # List of student grades
    grades = [85, 92, 78, 88, 95]
    # Display each student's grade
    for ''
        print(f"Student grade: {grade}")
  • What is the output of this code?

                    num = 1
    while num <= 5:
        num += 1
  • What is the output of this code?

                    num = 5
    while num >= 1:
        num -= 1
  • What is the output of this code?

                    num = 1
    while num < 5:
        num += 1
  • Python Exercises for Loops

    • If you've faced difficulties with these exercises, take a look at Loops Module on my Python course.

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    Happy Coding!
    Behnam Khani