What is a variable in Python?
How can we describe this code?
color = 'blue'
What’s the name of this variable?
device = 'tablet'
What is the value of this variable?
country = 'Canada'
Print the value of the direction variable in the console.
direction = 'East' print("")
Assign dejavucode.com to the variable named website .
def = 'dejavucode.com'
Assign the value The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the video_game_title variable.
video_game_title ""
Update the variable to Times Square, New York .
event_location = 'Central Park, New York' event_location = ""
Update the variable by using the = operator.
favorite_color = 'Blue' favorite_color "" 'Red'
What is the output of this program?
size = 'Large' size = 'Medium' size = 'Small' print(size)
What is an argument ?
Pass the variable blood_type to the print function as its argument.
blood_type = 'O+' print("")
Find the argument in this code.
print('Enter your timezone!')
What’s wrong with this code?
URL = 'dejavucode.com' print(url)
What’s wrong with this code?
Print('Python is case-sensitive!')
Update the current_filter by using the default_filter .
default_filter = 'none' current_filter = 'size' current_filter = ""
Print Your feedback matters to us! in the console.
What will be the output of this program?
total_budget = 5000 expenses = 2000 budget_remaining = total_budget - expenses print(budget_remaining)
Print There are 600 kilometers left to travel. in the console.
total_distance = 1000 distance_traveled = 400 distance_remaining = total_distance - distance_traveled print('')
Does Python run this code?
print('Our software is designed to simplify your life.')
What is the output of this program?
print('Happy birthday!') print('Welcome home')
What does this code displays in the console?
relationship_status = 'Single' print(relationship_status)
Python Exercises for Variables
If you’ve faced difficulties with these exercises, take a look at Variables Module on my Python course.
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