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September 1, 2023

Python Custom Functions Exercises

  • Define a function that prints Hello Python! on the console.

                    '' print_hello_python():
        print("Hello Python!")
  • Call the function.

                    def print_hello_python():
        print("Hello Python!")
  • Modify the function that accepts a string and prints it on the console.

                    def print_string(''):
    print_string("Hello Python!")
  • This function takes a number and doubles it. Return the doubled value.

                    def double_number(number):
        result = number * 2
        '' result
    result = double_number(5)
    print('The doubled number is:', result)
  • Combine the math operation and return into a single line instead of two lines.

                    def double_number(number):
        # result = number * 2
    result = double_number(5)
    print('The doubled number is:', result)
  • How does this function work?

                    def is_positive(number):
        if number > 0:
            return True
            return False
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def check_stock_availability(quantity):
        if quantity > 0:
            return "Product is in stock."
            return "Product is out of stock."
    result = check_stock_availability(12)
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def check_password_strength(password):
        if len(password) >= 8:
            return "Strong password"
            return "Weak password"
    password = "P@ssw0rd"
    result = check_password_strength(password)
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def calculate_shipping_cost(weight, destination):
        if weight <= 0:
            return "Invalid weight"
        if destination == "domestic":
            shipping_cost = 0.5 * weight
            return f"Domestic shipping: ${shipping_cost}"
        if destination == "international":
            shipping_cost = 1.5 * weight
            return f"International shipping: ${shipping_cost}"
        return "Invalid destination"
    weight = 2.5
    destination = "international"
    result = calculate_shipping_cost(weight, destination)
  • What does this function return?

                    def check_number(number):
        if number > 0:
            return 'Positive'
        elif number < 0:
            return 'Negative'
        return 'Zero'
    result = check_number(0)
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def calculate_shipping_cost(weight, destination):
        if weight <= 0:
            return "Invalid weight"
        if destination == "domestic":
            shipping_cost = 0.5 * weight
            return f"Domestic shipping: ${shipping_cost}"
        if destination == "international":
            shipping_cost = 1.5 * weight
            return f"International shipping: ${shipping_cost}"
        return "Invalid destination."
    weight = 2
    destination = "internationl"
    result = calculate_shipping_cost(weight, destination)
  • This function generates a username based on first name, last name and separator.
    What is the output of this code?

                    def generate_username(first_name, last_name, separator):
        username = f'{first_name}{separator}{last_name}'
        return username
    first_name = 'Emma'
    last_name = 'Smith'
    result = generate_username(first_name, last_name, '_')
  • This function generates a username based on the first name, last name, and separator.
    Modify the function to utilize an underline as the optional value.

                    def generate_username(first_name, last_name, ''):
        username = f'{first_name}{separator}{last_name}'
        return username
    first_name = 'Emma'
    last_name = 'Smith'
    result = generate_username(first_name, last_name, '.')
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def generate_username(first_name, last_name, separator = '_'):
        username = f'{first_name}{separator}{last_name}'
        return username
    first_name = 'Emma'
    last_name = 'Smith'
    result = generate_username(first_name, last_name)
  • What is the output of this code?

                    def generate_username(first_name, last_name, separator = '_'):
        username = f'{first_name}{separator}{last_name}'
        return username
    first_name = 'Emma'
    last_name = 'Smith'
    result = generate_username(first_name, last_name, '.')
  • Python Exercises for Write Your Functions

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    Happy Coding!
    Behnam Khani